Reasons You Might Need A Lawyer After A Car Accident

Reasons You Might Need A Lawyer After A Car Accident

As long as humans are part of the loop, there will always be car accidents, despite every effort to eliminate vehicle crashes and while auto insurance companies cover vehicle damage, the average car insurance policy do not cover personal injury. Of course, the preservation of life should be paramount and if you are involved in a serious car accident or are a witness, call for first responders if you suspect there are injured people.

Here are a few reasons you might need a lawyer after being involved in a car accident.

Claiming Compensation For An Injury Caused By An Auto Accident

Let’s say that you were a passenger in a car accident and you suffered serious injuries. One of the drivers was proven to be negligent and that means you can file a lawsuit, claiming compensation for your injuries. In many cases of personal injury claims, the matter is settled out of court, but should you need to go to court, it is essential to have a good litigation lawyer in your team. Hire one of the best litigation law firms Thailand or the country where you are located could offer to improve your chances of a successful claim.

Negligent Driver Is Uninsured

If your car was totaled in an accident and the driver at fault did not have valid insurance, you can file a lawsuit to claim compensation from the said driver. In such a case, you should first approach an experienced litigation lawyer and see what they have to say.

Defending A Criminal Charge

If a driver caused an accident due to drinking alcohol, they might be charged with that offence, which would require the person to enlist the services of an experienced lawyer. There might be other charges filed and the defendant might plead not guilty, which would require solid evidence to present to the court.

Property Damage

If a vehicle accident caused damage to a property, the property owner can claim compensation from the driver. This is likely to be successful if a driver was proven to be negligent and the driver’s insurer would likely wish to settle out of court.

Compensation For A Fatality

In the event there was loss of life due to a road accident, the family of the deceased might decide to sue for compensation. In Thailand, every vehicle must have compulsory ‘Por Or Bor’ insurance that covers compensation claims due to fatalities.

A 3rd Party Files A Lawsuit Against You

In the event you were the driver of a vehicle that was involved in an accident, other parties might seek to claim compensation from your insurance cover. Should you receive notice that a lawsuit has been filed, that is the time to contact a law firm who can offer you the best advice.

In the event you are involved in an auto accident, it is unwise to say anything that might incriminate you and after ensuring there are no personal injuries, you should contact your insurance company at the first opportunity. If the police arrives, remain calm and answer any questions.